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Issue 4

Issue 4

September 2018

Editor’s note: There is no denying that the art world is unpredictable and uncontrollable. From works of art selling for preposterous amounts of money to people in power using it as a tool for credibility. It seems like an unfathomable and impenetrable world by the likes of us, mere mortals who only know what we’re told and see. However, it is also an enthusiastic world with relentless energy and possibilities.

Art has a profound effect on all who experience it, and it should be everywhere – but only the good stuff: works that speak to us and create an emotion or effect. Public art needs to present a ‘good’ example of quality to its people. In fact, a knowledgeable writer in this issue talks about his astonishment when on holiday in Norway at how public sculpture is taken so seriously and is everywhere, and good. The choice of art speaks volumes about its country’s culture – this is clearly one example of many to take note of and consider on our own turf.

With the loss of one of our founders of modern art in Malta, Gabriel Caruana, we have lost a brave and bold artist who was never afraid to test the boundaries and to bring art to the people – his legacy lives on at his foundation, and so must his spirit for breaking the mould whilst keeping standards high. Art should be enjoyed by, and be available, to all.

Until autumn, we bid you farewell and to enjoy the abundance of exhibitions and events happening around the globe and in Malta – there’s something for everyone. 

If you are interested to get involved with Artpaper please email us on

Lily Agius

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